It’s been masses of fun collaborating with Luke Iannini over the past year or so, including presenting some work-in-progress in our talk on “Making Space for Algorithmic Alphabets” at the Undone Computer Science conference last month. It was good to have a deadline for our pretty speculative explorations, and share some work-in-progress. We did really struggle to fit in the 30 minute time slot though – Luke had enough beautiful material on the history and pre-history of algorithmic notations to last an hour or so.
We’ve been exploring “Algorithmic Alphabets” within Dynamicland‘s RealTalk operating system for communal computing, and generally the possibilities of making ways to people to invent hand-drawn languages including for pattern making. Hopefully the conference will share the recording of the session at some point, but for now you can read our talk abstract as a kind of position statement for our work. The next step will be trying out our ideas in collaborative workshops, more on that soon!
McLean, A., & Iannini, L. (2024, June 18). Making Space for Algorithmic Alphabets. Undone Computer Science, Nantes, France. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10813407