The draft schedule and free signup for the Algorithmic Pattern Salon is now live! The salon is an international effort…
Research Resident: I. Nakhla
I Nakhla is our second of two residents we are supporting in collaboration with Digital Gardens festival hosted by AME…
Research resident: V Buckenham
We’re happy to collaborate with Digital Gardens festival in hosting v buckenham for a research residency, developing a new live…
Open Call: Algorithmic Pattern research residency
Open call: algorithmic pattern research resident Deadline: 31st August, 2023 BST(the form will close at midnight) We (Then Try This)…
Open call: Algorithmic Pattern Salon
Algorithmic Patterns in Creative Arts, Craft and Code Salon dates: 23/24th November 2023Deadline for submissions: 22nd September 2023 We are…
Research resident: Antonio Roberts
Antonio Roberts will be the third Algorithmic Pattern resident, taking a week out to explore ideas around patterns in their…
Strudel: Live Coding Patterns on the Web
I’ve been working on the TidalCycles live coding environment well over a decade now, and still am (exciting rewrite in…
Summer contributor: Saachi Kaup on Mandala patterns
The Summer of Haskell is a programme funded via the Haskell Foundation, supporting students and other newcomers with a stipend…
Collaboration: Patterns In Between Intelligences
It’s been a privilege to be collaborating as part of the Patterns In Between Intelligences project with fellow live coder…
London Pattern Club
The good people of London are independently setting up their own Pattern Club! They’ll be meeting every Wednesday at SET…